我的 fzf 配置可提高命令行生产力


Currently I work with the command line all the time. Normally I SSH to a local Arch Linux VM and that is enough to be able to do all the development.

It is so much that way that I hardly use UI tools except browsers, messaging apps, and occasionally MS Paint for professional photo editing :).

Over the years, I've been optimizing the fzf configuration, one step at a time, to win seconds here and there, which have been converted in more than hours after all.

Here there are some of the points I've found most useful:

  • It can be used directly in the terminal but also has many integrations (e.g. Vim)
  • I've written multiple bash scripts that use fzf directly
  • The Ctr-T shortcut conflicts when using my setup (tmux + nvim in Arch Linux VM), so disabled it
  • It has very powerful search expressions
    • Especially useful the exact and prefix matches
  • The default trigger for the command line is **
    • Requires two characters, so replaced it with [
  • The fzf trigger can be added to more commands, or even alias, here is an example
  • It integrates very well with a workflow using Tmux
  • Can easily choose another search command like ag (the one I am using) or ripgrep
  • It contains a long list of examples that is already very useful, and where can get more ideas
    • If working with Node, recommended this NPM plugin


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